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Safe skin lightening creams| how to reduce dark spots | best fairness creams | dermatologist
Natural skin colour cannot be changed. it is best to accept and embrace your skin tone. This video is made because I see a lot of people misusing dangerous creams to look fairer. These are just safer options. These creams will not change skin colour nor make you fair. It will only help in lightening dark spots.
What to look for in skin lightening creams ?
They are usually plant extracts which reduce the production of enzymes which help in melanin formation.
Harmful ingredients ?
Hydroquinone , steroids :
How to use ?
Use only at night if you have to work out in sunlight for prolonged hour (more than 2 hours ) a day.
Side effects ?
Mild tingling sensation may be there when your start. If there is any itching, burning, redness, then stop the medication and meet you doctor immediately.
Always do a patch test on your neck watch for 48 hours, and then apply in on whole face .
Precautions :
• better to avoid during pregnancy
• Always use a sunscreen when you are using a skin lightening cream.
• First the skin lightening agent , then moisturiser, then your sunscreen can go on top.
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